Steam Rooms & Saunas

Ancient wisdom:

For most people today steam room and sauna mean only relaxation. However, throughout the ages, most cultures found numerous benefits of using steam and heat for therapeutic purposes, such as relief from muscle tension and stiff joints, boosting the immune system, lymph detoxification, blood circulation improvement, sinus congestion relief and many more. Modern research has proven that people who use steam rooms and saunas on a regular basis are healthier overall. Most people who use Turkish steam and Sauna simply feel younger… much younger!

Why not enjoy our lavish marble Turkish steam rooms and cedar Saunas next time you book an appointment?

Our pricing:

All SPA LUX guests may enjoy complimentary use of the steam rooms and saunas with any spa treatment valued at $50 or more. Guests who wish to enjoy the benefits of steam rooms and saunas without taking advantage of SPA LUX treatments, may make reservations for their use alone. Steam room and sauna use is only $40 per hour / $60 thereafter for up to four hours.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a history of high or low blood pressure problems, heart conditions or you are pregnant, please consult your physician prior to use of steam room, sauna or hydro-tub.